Braised endives with comté recipe
Origin :

- 4 nice endives
- 40g butter
- 1 orange
- 1 lemon
- 4 slices cooked ham
- 1/4l veal broth
- 1/2l whipping cream
- 20g flour nutmeg
- 100g Comté cheese
- salt, pepper
Braised endives :
Butter a pan (20 g).
Cut the endives in half.
Add the orange and lemon zests and juice.
Barely cover with broth, cover and cook in the oven at 160°C for 30 to 45 min.
Comté cheese gratin :
Melt the rest of butter, add the flour, make a roux sauce, and slowly add the cream.
Heat to boil.
Grate the nutmeg.
Add the comté cheese at the end.
Whip the rest of the cream and add it to the cold béchamel sauce.
Serve the endives with the ham on top, coat them in the comté sauce, and heat them in the oven to brown.
Add the gravy last.
Thanks :
Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix
Wine suggestion
Bourgogne Chorey-les-Beaune