Reblochon cheese spring rolls, sweet-and-sour sauce and lettuce recipe

Origin : Alpes du Nord
Recette de Nem au reblochon par Mickey Bourdillat, chef du Malafan à Chamonix, pour Sherpa Supermarché
Preparation time
20 min
Cooking time
5 min

Some history

The cheese name Reblochon comes from the French verb "Reblocher" which means "to squeeze the udder a second time" in local Savoy patois. That was initially a cheeky tax fraud! The second yield was low in milk but rich in cream, giving its rich flavour to the cheese and keeping money away from the taxman.


• 1 egg yolk
• 1 Reblochon cheese
• 4 sheets brick pastry
• 8  tablespoon of acacia honey
• 3 tablespoon of white vinegar
• 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
• 3 drops chilli sauce
• 1/2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
• 2 lettuces


Spring rolls preparation:

Cut each sheet of brick pastry into 3 similar triangles.

Glaze them with the yolk.

Add the Reblochon cheese and roll them.


Sauce preparation:

Mix the honey, vinegar, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and chilli sauce.

Fry the Reblochon-cheese spring rolls in groundnut oil in a non-stick pan, dry them with a tea towel.

Wash the lettuce. Roll in a leaf of lettuce and dip in the sweet-and-sour sauce to enjoy.



Thanks : 

Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.

Wine suggestion

Roussette de Savoie
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