Carnaroli risotto, snails, chopped parsley and parmesan recipe

Some history
Held to be the crème de la crème of rice, Carnaroli is a type of rice grown in the Po Delta in Italy. Its high starch content means the grains are extremely resistant to cooking, giving an incredibly creamy texture to risottos.
The snail butter:
- 300g butter
- 30g ground almonds
- 12g chopped shallots
- 9g salt
- 1cl pastis
- 1 anchovy fillet
- 50g parsley
The risotto:
- 320g round rice for risotto
- 1l chicken stock
- 1 onion
- 60g butter
- 100g parmesan
- 20cl white wine
- 48 snails
The parmesan crisps:
- 250g finely-grated parmesan
- 25g flour
The snail butter:
Cream the butter with the other ingredients.
The risotto:
Sweat the onions in 30g of butter, add the rice and cook until translucent.
Deglaze with some white wine and reduce. Add the stock gradually for 20min.
Roll the snails in the butter, add them to the risotto and finally put in the rest of the butter and the parmesan cheese.
The parmesan crisps:
Mix the flour and parmesan together and cook until golden in a non-stick pan.
Turn the crisp over, roll it into a cigar and place over the snails.
Thanks :
Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.