Beef Tartare, avocado pear and onion sushi recipe

Sushi de tartare de bœuf, avocats et oignons
Preparation time
20 min
Cooking time

Some history

This Japanese dish is usually made of vinegared rice called shari and raw fish or shellfish called neta. This recipe prepares tartare in the Japanese way. Finger-food for pre-meal drinks.


  • 600g tartare beef
  • 3 eggs
  • 8 gherkins
  • 1 onion
  • Chives
  • Ketchup
  • Oil
  • Tabasco
  • 16 slices of carpaccio (thin sliced beef)
  • 4 avocados
  • Lemon


For the Tartare:

Hard-boil 2 eggs.

Chop them with gherkins, onions and chives.

Finely cut the Tartare meat.

Clarify the egg.

Add the ketchup, the Tabasco, salt and pepper.

Whip lightly in oil.

Add in the meat, herbs and spices.

Mix and season to your own taste.

Put the carpaccio slices on cooking paper then add the tartare.

Roll and allow to cool down for at least 2 hours.

Cut into 3cm segments.


For the avocado pears :

Mix 3 avocado pears with garlic, salt, pepper and lemon.

Put in a dish and serve.



Thanks : 

Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.

Wine suggestion

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