"Castreted" Soup recipe

Some history
This dish is a tasty mixture of stale bread, Tomme cheese and onion soup, the top 3 local ingredients. It is a very good way of not wasting left-overs. A local proverb says “Never throw anything away it will always come in useful”! Traditionally served on the Saint-Christophe (August 21st) in the area of Samoëns, it is now become a “regular” for evening meals all year long. Eat it with a fork!
- 500g onions
- 20g butter
- 1 tablespoon of sunflower seed oil
- 25cl dry white wine
- 2l water
- A few pieces of stale or toasted bread
- 750g tomme mountain cheese, of which 40% are cut into 3mm thick strips.
Slice the onions thin and fry them in 20g of butter and a spoonful of oil.
When they are lightly browned, wet them with the white wine, let the sauce cool for 5min then add the water.
Cook gently for 30min.
Filter the soup and only keep the liquid.
In a soup tureen, alternate layers of bread and layers of tomme cheese up to the top of the tureen and top with a layer of cheese.
Pour the filtered onion soup onto the layers and bake for two and a half hours at 130°C.
When brown and dry, “castrate" the soup by slicing it with a knife.
Then heat in a very hot oven for a few minutes.
Thanks :
Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.