Roasted apricots and sugarplum crumble recipe

Recette d'Abricots rôtis et crumble de dragées
Preparation time
40 min
Cooking time
65 min

Some history

Traces of sugared almonds were found form Roman times when a confectionner is supposed to have invented them by accidentally dropping an almond into a jar of honey. In France, they were created by an apothecary in Verdun, who wanted to find an easier way to transport the almonds he used for his remedies. They were then coated in sugar or honey and hardened by baking. 


  • 20 apricots


The caramel :

  • 200g sugar
  • 75g butter


The crumble :

  • 250g crushed sugared almonds
  • 115g cold butter
  • 135g flour
  • 1/2 vanilla pod
  • 4g fleur de sel salt


Stone the apricots. 


Make a dry caramel.

Once the correct colour has been achieved, add the butter, whisking continuously.

Pour the caramel onto a baking sheet, then arrange the apricots on top and cook for 25min at 180°C.

Keep refrigerated. 


Make the crumble:

Mix the sugared almonds, butter, flour, vanilla and salt in a blender at low speed, then cook on greaseproof paper for 40min at 160°C.

Arrange the apricots in an 8cm circle, pushing them into place with a spoon.

Spread the crumble on top and serve with honey, almond or pistachio ice cream. 


Thanks : 

Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.

Wine suggestion

Vin jaune du Jura
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