Potée Savoyarde recipe
Origin :
Alpes du Nord

Some history
"Potée" gets its name from the earthenware pot in which it is prepared. Practically every region has its own potée, always with the same base ingredients of cabbage and pork. It's a dish that is cooked slowly for several hours in the morning to be enjoyed on cold winter evenings.
- 600g pork shoulder
- 1 pormonaise sausage
- 4 diot sausages
- 1 thick slice of smoked gammon
- 4 potatoes (Charlotte)
- 2 green cabbages
- 4 carrot tops
- 8 white turnips
- 1 clove
- 1 onion
- salt, pepper
Bring the shoulder, the pormonaise & diot sausages, the gammon, the clove, and the onion to the boil.
Once the mixture is boiling, skim and cook for an hour and a half.
Add the cabbages (cut into quarters), carrots, turnips and potatoes.
Cook for 45min and serve with an accompaniment of gherkins and mustard.
Thanks :
Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.
Wine suggestion