Farcement recipe
Origin :
Alpes du Nord

Some history
Farcement is part of the gourmet heritage of the Val d’Arly. Traditionally, it was served on Sundays and at Weddings. Usually prepared in a specific mould (with a pie chimney), it was originally served in round balls which gave it another texture and savour.
- 3kg potatoes
- 60g butter
- 2 tablespoon of flour
- 2 eggs
- 350g stoned prunes
- 350g raisins
- 1 thick slice lightly smoked bacon
- salt, pepper
Grate the raw potatoes and drain slightly.
Salt the mixture and add in the flour, eggs, grapes and prunes.
Butter the special farcement dish.
Line the mould with about ten thin slices of bacon, then fill it with the mixture.
Cover the mould with the lid.
Cook in a double boiler (bain marie) at 170°C for 3 hours.
Thanks :
Recipe made by Mickey Bourdillat, master chef of Le Matafan from Chamonix.
Wine suggestion